Welcome to the break page.
To participate in the Throwback Break you must first become a member of the Facebook group name "CBsc Throwback Breaks".

It would be beneficial if you watch what the breaks are about, as most sports card  breaking services are aim to get you the money cards, like relics, memorabilia, autograph and rookie cards from the latest product.
Throwback break on the other hands open up packs, grab bags, and other stuff to just get you cards. So if you are expecting hitting older autograph or other money cards, well you may not find us pleasing.
Now if your a card hoarder, massive team collector, base cards, TTM'er, or a person just appreciates baseball cards then you might enjoy these breaks.

With that being stated, here some other information before you get started. >>>>

   The first football break will go as a Buy one, Get one. Basically if you agree to pay the claim price for one team another team will be given to you randomly.

   The breaks will start with a jumbo pack of 2018 Score. So hopefully it builds a following.

*** Denotes breaks are subject to change.



( Full Length )
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More about Breaks

Break Content

What you are probably going to get out of these breaks, are comparable to the a grab pack of cards you would get at the dollar store, or from Fairfield products. However they would be team based.

The biggest part of the pack selection ranges from 1987 - 1994, and 2016 - 2019. The bulk years of cards, if you will. However the main objective when this started, was to get cards from 1995 - 2015 where most collector have stop and restarted their respective collections. From time to time 1985 and older packs will appear.

These packs are hard find at value pricing, and very much sought after because most collectors returning are in search of the cards they missed. CBsc does its best to find a pack here and there and mix them in to the bulk packs to make an inexpensive break.

Within the last year, the packs were placed into 2 boxes, one called the Throwback Break Box, the other the Breaker's Dozen Blaster Box. Throwback Break box would carry 20 or more packs and the Breaker's Dozen would have a dozen.

Since getting vintage is near impossible as packs with in the price range for the breaks, CBsc made there own grab pack to enter into the break. These pack contain, higher end recent product, vintage cards (low to medium quality), and other hard to find cards from over the years. CBsc also made some to contain an autograph, or memorabilia cards.

Another addition to the breaks was adding it a featured product to go with the random packs. Products like blaster boxes, hanger boxes, rack packs, and jumbo packs. This was done so the collectors could have they can see, and the custom boxes where mystery as to what would be inside.


Shipping fees are one of those things that can not be avoided especially since the group is from all over the U.S.A.. Let alone at times it could be more expensive than the cards purchased.

To ease this the breaks are done in what CBsc calls "Shipping Periods" which often times tends to coincide with the month. The shipping periods is really a set amount of breaks in which CBsc feels like enough cards can be sent out to warrant shipping fees.

For the majority, the packages go out with the cards protected with either cardboard, team bags, and/or a blaster box container which fits into a a bubble mailer. These are shipped with tracking. Often times, you may have to requested the tracking number, because it is not always relayed to the collector.

For those who just can't wait, we are always open to sending the cards right after a break, however you will have to cover the shipping fees.


To continue the breaks, CBsc has to be reimbursed for the packs. purchased for the Throwback Breaks. The original packs, we owned by Diego Torres Jr. (Common & Base Sports Cards) and would take the reimbursement funds and purchase more and more packs.
Okay, more than just the reimbursement funds, Diego spent more of his own money to get more packs as well.

Why? Because breaking is fun!

Since the breaks can range from 25¢ to $3, CBsc invoices the breaks. This way it benefits, CBsc and the collectors.
Weekly or Bi-weekly statements are sent to let the collector know where they stand with the claims. As to where, the final invoice statement will be noted with a due date and shipping charges based on the weight of just your cards.
However, for new unfamiliar, customers the weekly or bi-weekly update will need to be paid in full, prior to more claims. The shipping will still be stacked for you upon your request or for the end of the month which ever comes first.

All payments can be made to the Common & Base Sports Cards email via paypal. cbsc_mail@yahoo.com

Extra Incentive

Since most of the product is from a high volume era, the breaks have a little more incentive to make you want to join in with these activities.

DOUBLE UP PLAYERS ~ when these player are pulled during a break, the collector who owns that team for that break will get a mystery card. It is usually wrap in paper, for a bit of a surprise for you at home.

HALL OF FAME PLAYERS ~ for every HOF player pulled, during a break, the collector who owns that team for that break will get a chance at an extra card. This card could be base, numbered, a relic, graded, or an autograph.

LUCK'D OUT~ there is often a prize for those who did not score a HOF player. This extra card could be base, graded, a relic, an auto, or numbered.

BINDER BUILDERS ~ when these key players (only for that break) come up in the break a card is earn to place into a collection of cards, known as the Binder Builder collection. This continues on until a Todd Van Poppel (TVP) card appears in a break. Whoever is in that break, in which “TVP” is pulled, will have a chance to win collections of cards.

MOOSED GUESSING GAME ~ this is open to anybody viewing. Rules are simple 18 stickers are shown on screen, each pocket contains a Mike Mussina rookie card behind it, except for 1. You have to choose the sticker without the MOOSE behind it to win. Get Mussina and you have been MOOSED
What is a Throwback Break Box?
The "Throwback Break Box" consist of a minimum 20 randomly selected packs for the Common & Base sports cards inventory. Typically the packs are gathered by pairs or 3's, so that more teams are covered in the pack's distribution to the collectors, who bought in to said break.

The inventory of which the content is pulled from consist of packs range from 1987 through today's retail products. Yet you will also find a few hobby packs in the mix. The contents of the Throwback Break Box, does often feature a lot more of the years of card mass production. These are use to keep the cost lower and the card distribution quantity higher.

These custom made box also contain custom made packs inside which consist of item in the Common & Base sports cards collection. Often since, packs like 1969, 1999-2009, and high end product of today would prove to be costly, these packs were made offer the collects at a chance at some cards they may have not had a chance to get.

The content of the Throwback Break Box, may not be for everyone, but it is certain a few collectors would enjoy it.

What is a Breaker's Dozen Blaster Box?

The "Breaker's Dozen" is basically the same as the Throwback Box except the quantity is only 12 packs. One of which is the a Throwback Repack pack.
This box is usually have a variety of packs within, as compared to the Throwback Break box. Since most packs are usually paired up in 2's or 3's.
However both types of boxes seem to run the same amount of time in breaking. LOL

What is a Throwback Repack or Throwback Staxx pack?

These packs are made with cards from my personal collection, which I will also call the CBsc collection. I gather up some autographs, relics, random cards from sets, or player themed packs, and place them into packaging.

The silver packs are made to go into the custom boxes made by CBsc (me) and the red packs are for the Staxx. The differnce in the two package is the silver is gear towards giving cards out to multiple collectors. As to where the Throwback stack are with an individual getting them. For example, the player themed packs are only in Staxx pack and product like team USA cards, or Panini Contenders are in there to not have to try and figure out who the player belongs too.

A third repacked product may happen in due time.

This Month Breaks
Covering 6/9 thru 6/25 ***
Tuesday, Wednesday, & Thursday Nights

*** Denotes breaks are subject to change.

Want to see what each Throwback Break Box or Breaker's Dozen Blaster contains?
Click the link to download the PDF.
(Please note file will download and doesn't open automatically)


     Please note that not all packs are going to contain cards that are in pristine shape. Due to years, weather, and being on the secondary market. Some packs may come with flawed cards that included, bent corners, chipping, or even creased.

   Packs from the 90's and even some in the early 2000's, have been pressed together for so long they become a "BRICK" of cards.
   These cards usually end up with surface damage to the cards.

   Unfortunately, these are issues that CBsc are not in control of. There for cards will still be opened, and shown on video. The collectors in the breaks will still get the those cards.

    It is not always guaranteed but more often than not if the packs are really bad something is offer in the break like another pack to open or some times a Mystery Card is added into the package.